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REST Client

The following chapter describes the use of


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@feathersjs/rest-client allows to connect to a service exposed through a REST HTTP transport (e.g. with Koa or Express) using fetch, Superagent or Axios.


For directly using a Feathers REST API (via HTTP) without using Feathers on the client see the HTTP API section.


REST client services do emit created, updated, patched and removed events but only locally for their own instance. Real-time events from other clients can only be received by using a real-time transport like


A client application can only use a single transport (e.g. either REST or Using two transports in the same client application is not necessary.


REST client services can be initialized by loading @feathersjs/rest-client and initializing a client object with a base URL.

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'

const app = feathers()

// Connect to the same as the browser URL (only in the browser)
const restClient = rest()

// Connect to a different URL
const restClient = rest('')

// Configure an AJAX library (see below) with that client

// Connect to the `` service
const messages = app.service('messages')

The base URL is relative from where services are registered. That means that

  • A service at with a base URL of would be available as app.service('api/v1/messages')
  • A base URL of would be app.service('messages').


In the browser window.fetch (which the same as the global fetch) has to be passed as window.fetch.bind(window) otherwise it will be called with an incorrect context, causing a JavaScript error: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Illegal invocation.


Request specific headers can be through params.headers in a service call:

    text: 'A message from a REST client'
    headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'FeathersJS' }


Allows to pass additional options specific to the AJAX library. params.connection.headers will be merged with params.headers:


app.service('messages').get(1, {
  connection: {
    // Axios specific options here
}) contains a reference to the connection object passed to rest().<name>(connection).

Request libraries

The Feathers REST client can be used with several HTTP request libraries.


The Fetch API is the recommended way to make client connections since it does not require a third party library on most platforms:

// In Node

// In modern browsers

Where supported, an AbortController can be used to abort fetch requests:

const controller = new AbortController()


app.service('messages').get(1, {
  connection: {
    signal: controller.signal



Superagent currently works with a default configuration:

import superagent from 'superagent'



Axios currently works with a default configuration:

import axios from 'axios'


To use default values for all requests, axios.create with the axios configuration can be used:

import axios from 'axios'

      headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'My-Feathers-Frontend' }

Custom Methods

On the client, custom service methods registered using the methods option when registering the service via restClient.service():

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import type { Params } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'
import type { RestService } from '@feathersjs/rest-client'

// `data` and return type of custom method
type CustomMethodData = { name: string }
type CustomMethodResponse = { acknowledged: boolean }

type ServiceTypes = {
  // The type is a RestService extended with custom methods
  myservice: RestService & {
    myCustomMethod(data: CustomMethodData, params: Params): Promise<CustomMethodResponse>

const client = feathers<ServiceTypes>()

// Connect to the same as the browser URL (only in the browser)
const restClient = rest().fetch(window.fetch.bind(window))

// Connect to a different URL
const restClient = rest('').fetch(window.fetch.bind(window))

// Configure an AJAX library (see below) with that client

// Register a REST client service with all methods listed
client.use('myservice', restClient.service('myservice'), {
  methods: ['find', 'get', 'create', 'update', 'patch', 'remove', 'myCustomMethod']

// Then it can be used like other service methods
client.service('myservice').myCustomMethod(data, params)


Just like on the server all methods you want to use have to be listed in the methods option.

Connecting to multiple servers

It is possible to instantiate and use individual services pointing to different servers by calling rest('server').<library>().service(name):

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'

const app = feathers()

const client1 = rest('').fetch(window.fetch.bind(window))
const client2 = rest('').fetch(window.fetch.bind(window))

// With additional options to e.g. set authentication information
const client2 = rest('').fetch(window.fetch.bind(window), {
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer <Token for>'

// Configuring this will initialize default services for

// Connect to the `` service
const messages = app.service('messages')

// Register /users service that points to
app.use('users', client2.service('users'))

const users = app.service('users')


If the authentication information is different, it needs to be set as an option as shown above or via params.headers when making the request.

Extending rest clients

This can be useful if you e.g. wish to override how the query is transformed before it is sent to the API.

import type { Query } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import { FetchClient } from '@feathersjs/rest-client'
import qs from 'qs'

class CustomFetch extends FetchClient {
  getQuery(query: Query) {
    if (Object.keys(query).length !== 0) {
      const queryString = qs.stringify(query, {
        strictNullHandling: true

      return `?${queryString}`

    return ''

app.configure(restClient.fetch(fetch, CustomFetch))


You can communicate with a Feathers REST API using any other HTTP REST client. The following section describes what HTTP method, body and query parameters belong to which service method call.

All query parameters in a URL will be set as params.query on the server. Other service parameters can be set through hooks and Express middleware. URL query parameter values will always be strings. Conversion (e.g. the string 'true' to boolean true) on the server is done via schemas or hooks.

The body type for POST, PUT and PATCH requests is determined by the request type. You should also make sure you are setting your Accept header to application/json. Here is the mapping of service methods to REST API calls:

Service methodHTTP methodPath


Authenticating HTTP (REST) requests is a two step process. First you have to obtain a JWT from the authentication service by POSTing the strategy you want to use:

// POST /authentication the Content-Type header set to application/json
  "strategy": "local",
  "email": "your email",
  "password": "your password"

Here is what that looks like with curl:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"strategy":"local","email":"your email","password":"your password"}' http://localhost:3030/authentication

Then to authenticate subsequent requests, add the returned accessToken to the Authorization header as Bearer <your access token>:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your access token>" http://localhost:3030/messages

For more information see the authentication API documentation.


Retrieves a list of all matching resources from the service

GET /messages?status=read&user=10

Will call messages.find({ query: { status: 'read', userId: '10' } }) on the server.

If you want to use any of the built-in find operands ($le, $lt, $ne, $eq, $in, etc.) the general format is as follows:

GET /messages?field[$operand]=value&field[$operand]=value2

For example, to find the records where field status is not equal to active you could do

GET /messages?status[$ne]=active

The find API allows the use of $limit, $skip, $sort, and $select in the query. These special parameters can be passed directly inside the query object:

// Find all messages that are read, limit to 10, only include text field.
{"status": "read", "$limit":10, "$select": ["name"] } } // JSON

GET /messages?status=read&$limit=10&$select[]=text // HTTP

More information about the possible parameters for official database adapters can be found in the database querying section.


Retrieve a single resource from the service.

GET /messages/1

Will call messages.get(1, {}) on the server.

GET /messages/1?status=read

Will call messages.get(1, { query: { status: 'read' } }) on the server.


Create a new resource with data which may also be an array.

POST /messages
{ "text": "I really have to iron" }

Will call messages.create({ "text": "I really have to iron" }, {}) on the server.

POST /messages
  { "text": "I really have to iron" },
  { "text": "Do laundry" }


With a database adapters the multi option has to be set explicitly to support creating multiple entries.


Completely replace a single or multiple resources.

PUT /messages/2
{ "text": "I really have to do laundry" }

Will call messages.update(2, { text: 'I really have to do laundry' }, {}) on the server. When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

PUT /messages?status=unread
{ "status": "read" }

Will call messages.update(null, { status: 'read' }, { query: { status: 'unread' } }) on the server.


Merge the existing data of a single or multiple resources with the new data.

PATCH /messages/2
{ "status": "read" }

Will call messages.patch(2, { status: 'read' }, {}) on the server. When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

PATCH /messages?status=unread
{ "status": "read" }

Will call messages.patch(null, { status: 'read' }, { query: { status: 'unread' } }) on the server to change the status for all read messages.


With a database adapters the multi option has to be set to support patching multiple entries.

This is supported out of the box by the Feathers database adapters


Remove a single or multiple resources:

DELETE /messages/2

Will call messages.remove(2, {} }).

When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

DELETE /messages?status=archived

Will call messages.remove(null, { query: { status: 'archived' } }) to delete all read messages.


With a database adapters the multi option has to be set to support patching multiple entries.

Custom methods

Custom service methods can be called directly via HTTP by sending a POST request and setting the X-Service-Method header to the method you want to call:

POST /messages

X-Service-Method: myCustomMethod

  "message": "Hello world"


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Service-Method: myCustomMethod" -X POST -d '{"message": "Hello world"}' http://localhost:3030/myservice

This will call messages.myCustomMethod({ message: 'Hello world' }, {}).

Route placeholders

Service URLs can have placeholders, e.g. users/:userId/messages. (see in express or koa)

You can call the client with route placeholders in the params.route property:

import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'

const app = feathers()

// Connect to the same as the browser URL (only in the browser)
const restClient = rest()

// Connect to a different URL
const restClient = rest('')

// Configure an AJAX library (see below) with that client

// Connect to the `` service
const messages = app.service('users/:userId/messages')

// Call the `` URL
  route: {
    userId: 2

This can also be achieved by using the client bundled, sharing several servicePath variable exported in the service shared file file.

import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'
// usersMessagesPath contains 'users/:userId/messages'
import { createClient, usersMessagesPath } from 'my-app'

const connection = rest('').fetch(window.fetch.bind(window))

const client = createClient(connection)

// Call the `` URL
  route: {
    userId: 2

Released under the MIT License.